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Ibn Sina’s conception of demonstration may be divided into two parts. We call the first part the nature of demonstration and the second part the structure of demonstration. In order to understand demonstration, we ought to look into the constitutive elements of scientific knowledge from a micro-perspective. For in the nature of demonstration, we actually deal with basic components that make up knowledge, such as conception and assent, definition and description, propositions and syllogisms, from these micro-components of demonstration, we move to the macro-perspective of demonstrative science, attending to it from the structural point of view. The structure of demonstration thus includes principals, subjects and the problems all of which serve as pillars for demonstrative science.
Dr Amran Muhammad is Managing Director and Founder of the Islamic and Strategic Studies Institute (ISSI), Malaysia. He received his BSc in Economics from the University of Alabama, USA, an MA in Islamic History and Philosophy of Science from the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur), and a PhD in Science and Technology Policy from the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester, UK.