In partnership with the John Templeton Foundation and in collaboration with leading scholars from around the world, KRM is supporting the development of a contemporary glossary of Islamic analytic terms. This glossary will encompass terms from the fields of Islamic theology, science, philosophy and spirituality.
The glossary is aimed at being a core resource for those engaged in the study of analytic thought in Islamic scholarship. The glossary has been designed to counter the challenges scholars have in trying to engage with such thought from a contemporary perspective. The challenges are chiefly related to the accessibility of the vast corpus of scholarship in Islamic history: works are not easily accessible and when they are the terms that are used are often defunct and bare no relation to the present world.
KRM is leading this initiative to provide a basis for a broader access of the vast body of analytic thought in Islamic history, and to bring this vast resource into conversation with contemporary thought. The goal is to produce a glossary that is able to serve as a reference, and bridge both contemporary scholarly discourses and terminology in science and philosophy, and the vast field of reference in the Islamic kalam tradition.
This task is led by Leiden-based expert arabic translator Tarek Ghanem, and is overseen by board of senior scholars from across the Muslim world, including Professor Recep Senturk (ISAR); Sheikh Usama Al-Sayyid (Al Azhar); Sheikh Abdul Hakim Murad (Cambridge Muslim College); and Professor Aref Ali Nayed (KRM).
Contributors to the glossary include Nagah Nadi (Harvard University), Dr Ahmed Abdel Meguid (Syracuse University), Professor Basil Altaie (Yarmouk University), Khadeega Gafar (American University in Cairo), Dr Bilal Ibrahim (University of California, Berkeley), Dr Issam Eido (University of Chicago), among others.