Dr Edward R. Moad

Analytic Method Working Group
Dr. Edward Moad is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Program at the Department of Humanities, Qatar University. He earned an MA and PhD in Philosophy from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a BA in Philosophy from Northwest Missouri State University. Dr. Moad’s research is in Islamic philosophy, with a focus on the metaphysical issues at the heart of the encounter between the philosophical paradigms of Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali, and Ibn Rushd that emerge in Ghazali’s Incoherence of the Philosophers and Ibn Rushd’s Incoherence of the Incoherence. His research interest includes Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Meta-ethics, and Comparative Philosophy. Dr. Moad has also taught at the National University of Singapore, the University of Texas-Pan American, and the University of Missouri-Columbia. His journal essays include: “On the First and Second Proofs of the Eighteenth Discussion of Tahafut al-Falasifa” (Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies, 2010); “Comparing Skeptical Phases in al-Ghazali and Descartes: Some First Meditations on Deliverance from Error” (Philosophy East & West, January 2009); “A Path to the Oasis: Shari’ah and Reason in Islamic Moral Epistemology” (International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, April 2007); “A Significant Difference Between al-Ghazali and Hume on Causation” (Journal of Islamic Philosophy, July 2007); and “Al-Ghazali’s Occasionalism and the Natures of Creatures” (International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2005).
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