Available on: El-Kalem
Our new publication, Traditional Bosnia: Islamic Theological, Philosophical and Logical Studies from the 15th Century Onwards, by Dr Enes Karic, written in Bosnian, details the contributions of Bosnian scholarship to the Islamic Intellectual Sciences. Located between Northern Europe and at the doorway of Asia Bosnia’s intellectual history is one of many key crossroads in the Balkans. Unknown to many, and rarely researched until recently, is Bosnia’s rich intellectual tradition of the traditional Islamic sciences.
This important book is published by Kalam Research and Media (KRM) in association with the Centre for Advanced Studies (CNR) in Sarajevo and the John Templeton Foundation.
Dr. Enes. Karic is Professor of Qur’anic studies at the Faculty of Islamic studies, Sarajevo, having previously served as Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports for the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, is considered one of the leading Islamic scholars of his region.