Kalam Research and Media (KRM), in partnership with the Islamic and Strategic Studies Institute (ISSI) and the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) will be holding the Third Kuala Lumpur International Kalam Symposium (KLIKS 3) on 19-22 March 2018.
This year the conference will not only bring together leading experts from arond the world but also give an opportunity for younger scholars and students to present on the theme of the programme. The Third Kuala Lumpur International Kalam Symposium (KLIKS 3) aspires to provide an intellectual engaged forum for an interdisciplinary discussion between Kalam and other sciences. Senior scholars will speak on major topics within the KLIKS 3 theme, while young academics will present their selected research papers in 30 minutes (20 min talks + 10 min discussions) each. The goal is for everyone, particularly young academics, to benefit from multi-disciplinary and inter-religious perspectives and to identify new avenues
of research within the Kalam tradition. The conference themes will include Kalam and its relationship to the Natural and Physical Sciences, to Social and Human Sciences, Religion and Traditional Sciences, Theology, Philosophy, Sufism, Cosmology, Epistemology, Ethics and Axiology.
Submission Details
Submissions are restricted to young traditional and academic students and early career professors. Accomodation and flight are covered for accepted applicants. Papers must be in English and have interdisciplinary Kalam or theological content. Abstracts (100-400 words) should be submitted (for blind review) in Word or PDF to zakaria@kalamrm.com by the 21st of February 2018. Final papers will be expected after the conference.
The body of the email should include: author’s name; title of the paper; institutional affiliation; word count. Papers will be reviewed by the workshop committee. KRM and ISSI plan to publish a volume with the most noteworthy papers given in the workshop. Deadline for submission is 21 February 2018. We will notify succesfull applicatants on the 1st of March.